Poker has many rules that are meant to protect players from underhanded actions and exploitive tactics. However, there are some players who like to operate in the gray areas and take advantage of unpracticed opponents. This is known as angle shooting, and it is a shady practice that should be avoided at all costs. Knowing what an angle shoot is can help you avoid these types of shady tactics and give you an edge in the game.
Angle shooting involves using ambiguous gestures and statements to deceive your opponent. One example is when a player makes a gesture that could be interpreted as a check but then defends their action by saying they didn’t check. This type of angle shot is a form of cheating and should be reported to the poker room manager.
Another example of an angle shoot is when a player intentionally takes an action out of turn to gain information. For instance, if a player has a good hand and knows that their opponent is on a draw they may bet out of turn to see how the other player reacts to their action. This can be an effective way to get information about your opponent and give yourself a better chance of winning the hand.
A third type of angle shoot is when a player fakes a mistake to mislead their opponent. For example, if a player is first to act and they have a strong hand but don’t want to call a bet they may fake a mistake by pushing their chips forward as if they were calling but then check behind. This trick is used to try and get a read on their opponent’s emotions by seeing how they respond to the fake mistake.
Finally, a fourth type of angle shoot is when a player uses speech play and lying to deceive their opponent. This is a common poker strategy that can be seen in televised hands between professionals such as Phil Hellmuth and Tony G. For example, if Tony G is in the double straddle and Phil opens the pot limit, he might say “raise” and then reveal his AK, hoping to fool Hellmuth into thinking he doesn’t have a monster.
While some of these shady tactics are legal in poker, they are unethical and should be avoided at all costs. Moreover, trying to mislead your opponents with these methods can damage your reputation and cause you to lose the respect of other players in the game. It is important to report any player that you suspect of attempting an angle shoot, as they will likely be subjected to penalties by the poker room management or tournament organizers.